Late Summer Sir Benjamin of Malbrough crosses the border at Rooster Claw into Wondon to conquer Wondon.

When Sir Thomas of Wondon recieves the news from Eliot Full, he orders his Stableman, Natan Meligan, to take his wife and own children, Nicolas and Christina, and Lady Rebecca and their children, Sir William and Lady Stefani down to the old Witch Cottage in the Deep Forest, and protect them.

Autumn Equinox They needs supplies for staying at the cottage. Lady Rebecca of Wondon have Nicolas Meligan to enter Logger's Dell to get supplies from the Loggers, while Sir William and Lady Stefani of Wondon stay hiden at the forest to cover him.

Nicolas Meligan falls in love with Melanie Noneman, the daughter of Steve and Dawn (Brant) Noneman, when he visits the Loggers.

Late Autumn At Logger's Dell, they not only finds Hannah (Lamp) Noneman and Steve and Dawn (Brant) Noneman and their children Melanie and Frank as expected, but Micheal and Julie Warren, their son, Ricky and Theresa (Reise) Owens with her children Frederic and Katie.

Nicolas Meligan is there, too, busy kissing Melanie Noneman.

Then, some soldiers come, and they have Martin and Beth as prisoners, and the starts to harress Nicolas Meligan and Melanie Noneman. Now, Emma wants to go down and liberate them. Herry Furlow reminds her, that they cannot do anyting against the soldiers alone.

When one of the Malbourghian soldiers, Tim Dade, threatens to rape Melanie Noneman, Lady Rebecca jumps out of the forest and wounds Tim Dade. Sir Benjamin jumps forward and whomps Lady Rebecca with his sword, and she sinks to the ground.

Before Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh can kill Lady Rebecca of Wondon, Sir William of Wondon comes out of the forest, and he wounds Sir Benjamin, before he's wounded himself by Alfredo Barta.

Nicolas Meligan runs a sword though Alfredo Barta and together they are running to the forest. Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh runs after them, and wounds Nicolas Meligan before they disapears into the forest.

In the forest, Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh is hit by an arrow, and Sir William of Wondon and Nicolas Meligan gets away.

Moments later, the soldiers reappears from the forest with Sir Benjamin, who is wounded by an arrow. He's racing forward to kill Lady Rebecca.

At this Moment, Benjamin is hit by an other arrow comming from the forest, and he drops dead.

Emma Valdor and Herry Furlow enters the Dell from the forest at the Moment, Lady Stefani and Sir William of Wondon with Nicolas Meligan come out of the forest.

The Malbourghian soldiers, Tim Dade, Danny Shaw and 3 other, think they are under attack and pick up the body of Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh and run away.

Both Emma Valdor and Lady Stefani of Wondon shoot an arrow after them, while Sir William of Wondon see to his mother.

Lady Stefani of Wondon and Emma Valdor hugging each other and Lady Stefani wants to know, where Emma is staying. She tells, Herry Furlow and her have made themself a lovenest at The Temple Ruin and that they are staying there.

Asure his mother is dead, Sir William asks Theresa (Reise) Owens and her children Frederic and Katie, and Steve and Dawn (Brant) Noneman and their children Melanie and Frank, if they can take the dead body of Lady Rebecca of Wondon to The Temple Ruin and hide there with Emma Valdor and Herry Furlow.

Sir William of Wondon then asks Micheal and Julie Warren takes their son, Ricky, Theresa (Reise) Owens and her children Frederic and Katie shall go though the Deep Forest to try get to Filly Point to get some more help to through the Malbourghians out of Wondon.

Meanwhile, Sir William and Lady Stefani of Wondon and Nicolas Meligan shall return to their hideout.

Melanie Noneman protests, and she wants to be with Nicolas Meligan. Both Lady Stefani of Wondon and Emma Veldor sais, she is to young. In the end, Sir William of Wondon doesn't think there is time for discussion, and Melanie Noneman comes with him.

Sir William becomes Lord succeeding his father, when he was killed by Sir Benjamin of Malbrough at Wondon Castle.

The 16th King stays on at Wondon, helping Sir William to establish his rule at Wondon.


Sir William appoints Nicolas Meligan as his captain.

The 16th King returns to Kingston.

Princess Donna like to stay on at Wondon because of the horses.


Sir William got the idea, that he must marry Princess Donna and starts wooing her.


Princess Donna gets tired of the wooing of Sir William and returns to Kingston

Sir William present Princess Donna with the horse, Bella Star, in which she had become very fond of.


Sir William sends a painting of himself to Princess Donna and woo her..


Early Summer Princess Melissa, the aunt of Sir William and Lady Stefani of Wondon comes visiting them at Wondon castle, and gets acccommidated at the appartment of Lady Stefani.

Midsummmer At the appatment of Lady Stefani, Sir William of Wondon puts forward the proposal of John Fern of Guttric to his sister, Lady Stefani.

You knew about this, Lady Stefani asks har aunt Princess Melissa Larson?

Princess Melissa Larson admits, she knew. Their uncle, The 16th King, thinks, an allience between Guttric and Wondon will be good for Sir William of Wondon, so has set up the marriage.

Lady Stefani agrees to pay Sir John Fern of Guttric a visit, to see, who he is.

At The Reception Hall, Lady Stefani of Wondon declines a marries to the old John Fern of Guttric. he's to old and she doesn't love him.

Sir William of Wondon points out to his sister, Lady Stefani, they can't decline a friendship with Guttric, because Wondon Shire is wery weaked by the wars against Malbrough, and he plans to marry their cousin, Prinsess Donna for the same reason.

Lady Stefani thinks their cousin, Princess Donna Louise is horrible, and she's only 16, but he can marry her, if he like to, but she's rather marrying a common thieve, than marry Sir John Fern of Guttric, she declares.

Princess Melissa has exspected not thing else from the daughter of her rebelous sister, Lady Rebecca of Wondon. Rebacca never did, what she was

Two days later at The Reception Hall, Sir John Fern of Guttric begins having doubts about, Lady Stefani will marry him, and now she has gone hunting.

Sir William of Wondon assurs Sir John Fern of Guttric, if nessesary, he will force his sister to marry him.

Sir William of Wondon is listening to Anthony Reise telling, the carpenter shop has been robbed. Eagerly to show his good intentions to John Fern of Guttric, he orders to set in a pursue of the villainds, and he, sir John Fern, Captain Nicolas Meligan and Anthony are mounting their horses.

In the afternoon, Sir William of Wondon, Sir John Fern of Guttric, Captain Nicolas Meligan and Anthony Reise get to the town, and Sir William is talkíng to Boris Smith, who tells them, that the villainds have escaped in the dirction of Guttric Brige.

Sir William of Wondon with his captain, Nicolas Meligan, the sheriff, Boris Smith, Sir John Fern of Guttric contiue their persue of the villainds until it got dark without finding them.

In the end, they're almost at Guttric Brige, then they turn around, and go back to Wondon Town.

It has became night, when Sir William of Wondon, Captain Nicolas Meligan, sheriff Boris Smith and Sir John Fern of Guttric return to the town.

sheriff Boris Smith goes home to the sheriff office, while Sir William of Wondon and the rest enters The Old Witch to book and accommodation for them.

Melanie Noneman informs Sir William of Wondon, her sister, Julie Warren had birthed a daughter during the day, and his sister Lady Stefani has already booked an accommodation at the inn, so if Sir William can share accommodation with his sister, and the accommodation of the villainds is emtied, she already has cheched, so Sir John Fern of Guttric can have it, the midwife, Ley Reise is still here, and her son, Anthony Reise is sleeping at her accommodation, but she can go an ask her aunt, Amanda Noneman, if she can make a bed for Captain Nicolas Meligan, we got accomodation for everybody.

While Melanie Noneman is daffing to the dairy, to ask Amanda for an accommodation for Captain Nicolas Meligan, Sir William of Wondon is talking to his sister.

Lady Stefani of Wondon is in better moode, and promises to come home to marry Sir John Fern of Guttric in due time, but right now, she's on a hunt with Emma Valdor.

Next morning, Melanie Noneman is serving breakfast for Sir William and Lady Stefani of Wondon, sir John Fern of Guttric, Ley and Anthony Reise, and when captain Nicolas Meligan shows up accopaned by Elissa Noneman, him too.

When Emma Valdor shows up, to contiue their hunt, Lady Stefani gives Sir John Fern a hug, before they takes off cheching their traps.

After Breakfast, Sir William of Wondon, Sir John Fern of Guttric and captain Nicolas Meligan are begining traveling to Wondon Castle.

In the afternoon next day, William of Wondon has summoned Lady Stefani of Wondon, Sir John Fern of Guttric, Princess Melissa Larson, Captain Nicolas Meligan, who brings Philip Arden and Miranda Calzone from the dungeon as prisoners, to deside on a penelty over the thieves.

Philip Arden and Miranda Calzone admit to steal the chest of gold, some money from The Old Witch, the medalion of Lady Stefani of Wondon and a bottle of contraception potion, and when running away from the bill at The Old Witch.

While Philip Arden admits to his crimes, Lady Stefani of Wondon gets aroused by his beauty, and whispers to her brother, Sir William of Wondon, that he must give Philip to her to marry her.

Dear sister, he knows, it will be some kind of punishment, to be married to her, but she's going to marry Sir John Fern of Guttric, Sir William answers.

Shall I tell, how Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh was about to kill you, when I piresed him with an arrow, Lady Stefani whisperly replies, and contiues: I'm going to tell everybody, if you do not marry Philip Arden to me. I wants him.

Annoyed Sir William of Wondon loudly pronaces, he will punish Philip Arden with, being married to his sister, Lady Stefani of Wondon, and put Miranda Calzone back in chains at the dungeon, he adds.

While Captain Nicolas Meligan drags, the crying Miranda Calzone to the dungeon, and Lady Stefani of Wondon puts her new husband in a harness, and takes the bottle of contraception potion and walks away with him, while Sir John Fern of Guttric leaves The Reception Hall in anger.

Princess Melissa Larson addresses Sir William of Wondon, she doesn't know, what problems your sister has got you in to, but she'r going to Guttric Castle, and try to clear up this mess.

Early Autumn Sir William of Wondon is calling his sister, Lady Stefani and Philip Arden to The Respetion Hall to tell them, that their marriage has coursed a diplomatic crises between Wondon and Guttric. and he wants to know, which crimes Philip Arden is wanted for in Guttric Shire.

While Lady Stefani desirously looks at Philip Arden, he's thinking, that Sir William of Wondon doesn't need to know, all of the scames Miranda and him got away with at Guttric Shire, so he's only telling Sir William, how he solitarily had tied Diane Darron at the tailor to robbing the shop with Miranda Calzone, who's now at the dungeon.

Lady Stefani of Wondon points out, their grandfather, Sir William, had convicted Moyo The Witch as a witch, and hench, she's never buying her cloths at her in any way.

Autumn Equinox An afternoon, Sir William and Lady Stefani of Wondon are summoned at the Reseption Hall, Captaian Nicolas Meligan brings up the problem, and Philip Arden suggests, he shall take the night shifts at the gate for Captaian Nicolas.

Lady Stefani of Wondon protests, she doesn't wants to miss Philip Arden to sleep witn Philip in the night, but both Sir William and Captaian Nicolas thinks its a good idea.

Late Autumn Sir William of Wondon is listenling to the complains of Melanie Noneman.

Philip Arden suggest, that Miranda Calzone serves the rest of her penalty as maid at The Old Witch, and Lady Stefani surports the idea, to get rid of Miranda from the castle.

Captain Nicolas Meligan adds, his sister Christina complains, she has to cook food for Miranda, too.

Sir William of Wondon decides, Captain Nicolas Meligan shall take Miranda Calzone to The Old Witch tomorrow, to serve the rest of her punishment as a maid at The Old Witch.

Early Winter, James Watson paints a picture of Sir William of Wondon as he used to, and bring it as a present to Princess Donna in the hope, she will marry him.


Early Winter, James Watson paints a picture of Sir William of Wondon as he used to, and bring it as a present to Princess Donna in the hope, she will marry him.

Christmas, At The Reseption Hall, Sir William of Wonden immediately wants to go witch hunting, to impress his cousin Princess Donna by catching a real witch for her, but his captain Nicolas Meligan don't wants to leave the castle gate unmaned, when there is a witch loose in Wonden Shire. Sir William of Wonden asking him, thus to find Philip Arden, who's usually making love with his sister, Lady Stefani of Wonden, this houre of the day.

At The Reseption Hall, Sir William of Wondon is fully dressed for witch hunting, and Sir William, Philip Arden and Ricky Warren are leaving the castle right away. Captaian Nicolas Meligan shouts, Natan Meligan will take the night shift for Philip Arden.

In the evening, Sir William of Wondon, Philip Arden and Ricky Warren are arriving at the town, they are met by a crowd of peoples outside the sheriff's office, who want to see, what's going on.

Sir William of Wondon is addressing Sheriff Boris Smith and the father of Ricky, Micheal Warren, who's surrounded by Bradley and Frederic Owens, Keith and Emma Valdor, Chris Barrington, Amanda Noneman and Miranda Calzone, who had comed out to see what's going on.

While Sheriff Boris Smith is watch, Sir William of Wondon have a look at the coins in the purse Micheal Warren presenting him, and sais: I don't know how witch coins look like, but thise coins looks bewitched.

It's getting dark now, and I can't see a ting, but tomorrow I'll go on a witch-hunting, Sir William of Wondon says.

Loudly Sir William of Wondon shouts: Tomorrow I'll going to chase this witch, and if I catch her, I'll drown her in the well of the Castle and send her head to Princess Donna. There is notting I can do now, but I stay in the town tonight, so everybody is safe now.

Do you have an accommodation for me and Philip Arden, at the inn, Sir William of Wondon asks Micheal Warren? I'll like to start the hunt the witch, early tomorrow.

Micheal and Ricky Warren, Bradley and Frederic Owens, Keith and Emma Valdor, Chris Barrington, Amanda Nonemanand and Miranda Calzone follow Sir William of Wondon into the The Old Witch.

Micheal Warren serves a bottle of Lannon's Cherry Wine for Sir William of Wondon, he have left, while Miranda Calzone serves the others some ordinary Thayn's from Leafton.

Sir William of Wondon is in good mode, and pinchws the buttock of Miranda Calzone, to demostate his suppriourity over her and Philip Arden, but she's getting annoyed and smacks him.

Micheal Warren gives Miranda a rage, but Miranda sais, that Sir William of Wondon might have the power of punish her, because she's a thive, by marry her boyfriend to his sister, and to force her to work here at The Old Witch, but my lewd lord shall stay of of my buns.

She's right, Sir William of Wondon sais. I should only enjoy only the buns of my cousin, Princess Donna. Then he demands more wine at Miranda.

As Sir William of Wonden is zipping the wine together with Philip Arden, he gets anxious, and asks Philip Arden, to get Emma Valdor for him.

Philip Arden finds Emma at a table together with her brother Keith Valdor, where they're enjoiying a bottle of Thayn's together, and asks Emma to join Sir William of Wonden.

Keith Valdor gets off the table, and tells, Emma, he's going hime to their parents, to tell them, what's going on, before Emma is following Philip Arden to the table of Sir William of Wondon.

Sir William of Wondon tells Emma Valdor, that he's worried, he lefted the castle to go witch hunting, he's asking Emma, First thing tomorrow, to go to the castle, and tell Lady Stefani, she'll be in charge, while he's away. She can take Chris Barrington with her.

Emma Valdor objects, she'd brocken up with Chris Barrington a long time ago, but discharges her, and asks Chris Barrington to the table, and orders a bottle of wine for Emma and Chris.

While Chris Barrington shyly cones to the table, Micheal Warren suggest a bottle of Steinmetz's for the lord.

Sir William of Wondon gets more intoxicated, and while Miranda Calzone is serving two bottles of Steinmetz's for him, Philip Arden, Emma Valdor and Chris Barrington. While Miranda Calzone is serving the wine, he stars foundle her bum tenderly, and askes, if Bradley and Frederic Owens, can play a song about Witch hunting, which Miranda can be dancing to?

Miranda Calzone furiously goes upstairs, and Bradley Owens replies, he don't know any songs about hunting witches, but Frederic and him, can perform a song about the Wondon Witch.

Meanwhile Bradley and Frederic Owens is playing, Chris Barrington shyly is kissing Emma Valdor, who's tenderly kissing him back.

While Bradley and Frederic Owens are playing the song about The Witch of Wondon, Miranda Calzone returns to serve two bottles of Steinmetz's more for Sir William of Wondon, Philip Arden, Emma Valdor and Chris Barrington, who now are engaged in kissing and cuddling with Emma.

When Bradley and Frederic Owens had finished playing, Sir William of Wondon is rather intoxicated, and Philip Arden is helping him upstairs to their accommodations, while Miranda Calzone is letting Bradley and Frederic Owens, Emma Valdor and Chris Barrington, who wants and exstra bottle of Thayn's to go home.

Philip Arden is putting the very intoxicated Sir William of Wondon to bed, who is fast a sleep, and goes in at his own room.

Next morning, Philip Arden is up, before Sir William of Wondon, because he's having hang-overs, and Miranda Calzone is serving him breakfast at The Old Witch.

While Philip Arden is eating breakfast, Boris Smith, Bradley Owens and Emma Valdor joins him, at the inn, waiting for Sir William of Wondon.

Moments later, The brother of Emma Valdor, Keith is giglingly arriving with his lover, Arcy Jacobs, too. He's giggling, because he understand, his sister, Emma, had been bumping the uglies with her former lover, Chris Barrington, all night.

At the last, Sir William of Wondon comes down for brakfast, and Miranda Calzone is serving breakfast for him.

While he is eating breakfast, Emma Valdor annoyed points out, she's busy getting to the castle, toinform with Lady Stefani of Wondon.

Sir William of Wondon takes charge, and orders Emma Valdor and Philip Arden can go to the castle immediately, while the rest can stay to plan the hunt for the little whitch.

When Philip Arden and Emma Valdor had left to get their horses at the stable of The Old Witch, Sir William of Wondon contiues, that the has to be causious, to catch the little wicked witch, but it has being snowing last night, so we got to look for footprints in the snow to find her, and when we knows, where she is, Sir William of Wondon, will catch her to kill her.

Since they don't know, which dirction the little witch went, when she had left The Old Witch, Sir William of Wondon suggests, Boris Smith and Bradley Owens go to Rooster Claw, looking for clues of the little witch there, Keith Valdor and Arcy Jacobs go to Lawrow lake looking for clues where, and Sir William shall serch The Deep Forest serching for clues there, and after he had serchinged the forest, he will return to the castle, and waiting for reports there. when the knows, where to find the wicked witch, he shall go kill her.

Everybody thinks it's a good sketch, and they go for their horses.

When Sir William of Wondon comes out from The Old Witch with his horse, Keith Valdor and Arcy Jacobs comes out of the grocery with the horse of Arcy. Then Sir William of Wondon and Arcy follow Keith to the timeryard to get his own horse, and then they follow the road to Lawrow Lake.

At noon, they're comming to the cross road where Sir William of Wondon can get in to The Deep Forest, and he sais goodbye to Keith Valdor and Arcy Jacobs, who contiue to Lawrow Lake.

At first, when Sir William of Wondon enters The Deep Forest, he moves very causiously, looking for footprints in the snow, until he realizes, it makes no sence to look for footprints in the snow from a little witch flying on a broom.

Outside the cottage of the Loggers, Sir William of Wondon finds Melanie Noneman resting with Anthony Reise, who's down from Rooster Claw helping the Noneman's, cutting wood during the Winter season, and to be together with Melanie.

Sir William of Wondon addresses Melanie Noneman, to tell, he's out looking for a wicked little witch, who had been seen at The Old Witch, and wants to know, if any of the Noneman's has seen the witch?

Melanie Noneman looks puzzled at Sir William of Wondon, and asks if that's something my disturbed sister, Julie Warren ,has set you up to, she laughenly asks?

The wicked witch is real enoght, Sir William of Wondon replies, I've seen prof of the witch, and I'm chasing her, to drown her in the well of the castle.

That's, what the lord of Wondon, legendarily does to whitches, but I grew up in thise woods, and if there was a witch here, we would have seen her, but there are no whiches in Wondon appart from Moyo the Witch in Guttric Brige, but she's not a real witch.

Then, I'm going to look for the wicked witch at the cemetary, Sir William of Wondon responds. Goodbye.

But it's dark soon, Anthony Reise sais.

Witches do roam around at night, too, Sir William of Wondon responds. I'm going to catch this wicked witch.

Sir William of Wondon leaves Loggers Dell and goes up to the cemetary to search for the wicket little witch there.

He finds no footprints at the cemetary, and realizes his best option is to go home to the Castle waiting for the reports from the scouts crews there.

In the night, Sir William of Wondon arrives at the castle gate, where Natan Meligan is guarding the gate. Natan offers to wake Captaian Nicolas up, and Lady Stefani is sleeping with Philip Arden, but Sir William sais, Nicolas shall report to him tomorrow morning.

Next morning, while Christina Meligan is serving breakfast for Sir William of Wondon, Lady Stefani and Philip Arden, Sir William sumeries the situation.

A little wicked witch has been spotted at Wondon Town, Sir William of Wondon begins telling, and since witchcafting usally is punish by drowing the witch in the well at the castle, and since nobody knew in which dirction the wicked witch had left the town on her broom, Sir William of Wondon has initiated a witch hunt, to find the whereabouts of the wicked witch. Thus Sir William had send out scouts in all dirctions, to find the whereabouts of the wicked witch, so he can kill her. Sir William has spend the day serched the Deep Forest,, but he didm't found the wicked witch anywhere. Now, there there is nothing to do, exsept waiting for the scouts reports, and guarding the gate day and night, in case the wicked witch should appeare at the castle.

Lady Stefani points out, she will like Philip Arden to go to Rooster Claw to buy contraception potion for her.

Sir William of Wondon wants Philip Arden, to go to The Old Witch, to wait for the spyreports, but he has no objection against, he go to Rooster Claw, when the reports have been delivered. He can take money from the tresury to his stay and bying contraception potion, though it's a kind of witchcraft.

Captaian Nicolas Meligan objects, he can take the gaurd at the gate in the day, when he's not needed by Sir William of Wondon, but Philip Arden is usually guarding the gate at night, and with the wicked witch around, he cannot leave the gate unguarded.

Christina Meligan points out, that with Miranda Calzone not in the dungeon any more, there isn't so busy at the kitchen any more, so she can take the vactons at the gate.

At The Reseption Hall, Sir William of Wondon and Lady Stefani, are discursin the Christmas Celibration this year, when Lady Stefani has married a villaind. Philip Arden, who don't have his own castle.

Sheriff Boris Smith is reporting, the wicked witch had been seen flying over Templeton Lake by the maid in Rooster Claw in the dirrction of Grossbourgh Shire.

Sir William of Wondon listens carefully to the report of Sheriff Boris Smith, and concluds, the wicked witch has left the Shire fornow, and he'll search for her after christmas. Now, he'll be Celibrate christmas, amd Boris Smith shall invite Bradley Owens to play for him at the Celibration.

At The Reseption Hall, Three days later, Captaian Nicolas Meligan and Emma Valdor finds Sir William of Wondon with his sister Lady Stefani, and Emma tells, her brother, Keith Valdor, had returned from Lawrow Lake, and he hasn't seen any signs of the wicked witch there.

Sir William of Wondon replies, the wicked witch was last seen flying over Templeton Lake in dirction of Grossbourgh Shire, so he assumes, the wicked witch is there, and he'll search the forests around Rooster Claw for the witch, after Christmas.

Lady Stefani invites Emma Valdor to the Christmas ball, Sir William of Wondon is about to throw, but Emma likes to stay at home, afrait of Miranda Calzone will seduce Chris Barrington again, and robbing him of every thing, again.

Lady Stefani offercs to put Miranda Calzone in the dungeon again, but Emma Valdor is refusing, and sais, she kind of love Miranda.

Besides, Captaian Nicolas Meligan adds, we don't have the staff, to throw the Christmas ball, with the wicked witch around at Wondon Shire.

In the evening two days later, at The Reception Hall, Captaian Nicolas Meligan is standing guard, and Sir William, Lady Stefani, and her husband, Philip Arden takes place next to Christina Meligan, who accopanies Sir William of Wondon.

Nancy Meligan is serving them food and the all dines.

After they had dined, Christina Meligan wants to dance with Frederic Owens, so Bradly Owens plays while Sir William of Wondon danse with Katie Owens, Lady Stefani of Wondon dances with Philip Arden,

When Bradly Owens plays with Frederic Owens, Lady Stefani is still dancing with Philip Arden, and Sir William of Wondon has a swing with Christina Meligan.

When the Christmas Ball is over, Frederic Owens voluntarils to guad the gate during the night together with Christina Meligan, and Bradly Owens can drive them all home tomorrow.


Late Winter At the Resption Hall, Sir William of Wondon calls in Lady Stefani and Philip Arden, and stats We didn't coughte the witch last year, but we knows she'd been seen over Templeton Lake heading north, so I'm going on a witch hunt, to see if I can put her down.

Lady Stefani of Wondon thinks it's a good idea, becase there is order at the guarding of the castle gate, and she can mange the guarding on her own.

Philip Arden, who is eager to get away from Lady Stefani of Wondon, to fornicate with Miranda Calzone at The Old Witch, volenties to go with him to the Town, to watch for the witch there.

Sir William of Wondon and Philip Arden rides down to The Old Witch, where Miranda Calzone finds Micheal Warren, who books them in at The Old Witch.

Sir William pf Wondon and Philip Arden spends the afternoon, searching north of the town, but then they get to the ruins of Wondon Tower, they return to The Old Witch.

When the return to The Old Witch Miranda Calzone is cooking them dinner, and why they eat, Sir William of Wondon declares, he will contiue his hunt of the little witch tomorrow on his own, while Philip Arden is going home to Lady Stefani at the castle.

Philip Arden rather to wanted stay here at Miranda Calzone, but he agrees to the wishs of Sir William of Wondon.

Next morning, Miranda Calzone is serving Breakfast for Sir William of Wondon and Philip Arden, before they takes their horses Philip Arden rides home to The Castle and Sir William rides noth again searching for the witch.

Sir William of Wondon is following Templeton Lake until the ruin of Wondon Tower, and he doesn't see any trach of the Witch. Of cause he can't see a thing between the trees at the forest.

To get a better view between the trees, Sir William of Wondon turns off the road, following the old path towards Sharton, where he knows there is an inn, where he can rest tonight.

Soon, he's disturbed by being hit wkth a snowball.

Looking around, Sir William of Wondon discovers the little witch giggling at him, and he immediately starts to pursue her.

Witchy Vicky realices, her dream of having a gorgeous knight pursuing her, she grabs her broom, with a Woo Hoo, and letting him pursue her by flying in and out through the trees at the forest.

Sir William of Wondon thinks he has lost the witch, and speeds up in his pursue of the witch up the mountain, so he doesn't see a cord between two trees.

Sir William of Wondon falls of his horse, and gets entangled in a net, which he can't get out off, and he feels traped, becase he had loosed his sword in the snow.

Clarke and Derik Bellerby are aproching the net of Sir William of Wondon. What did we caught here in our net, Clarke Bellerby asks, while he investiges their their prey?

I'll be damned, Derik Bellerby surprised exclaims. It's Sir William of Wondon. Shall I Ececute him immediately, Derik asks?

I think, the reward will be higher, if we take him home to the dungeon of Grossbourgh Castle to ececute there, Clarke Bellerby consiters.

OK, it will be labourisous without his horse, which ran off, while he ties up Sir William of Wondon, and attaches him by a chain to his horse, and then starts dragging him up the mountain though the snow.

Sir William of Wondon doesn't sais a thing, but he's moaning, when he gets rifting from been dragged though up the mountain, and he tries not to bang his head to much on a stone.

Witch Vicky is blocking their way, and Derik asks her, who she is?

I'm the Witch of Wondon, and it is my future lover, you're dragging between you, and I wants the gorgeous knight, you're dragging between you.

So, Sir William of Wondon has got himself a fancy woman, Derik Bellerby sais surprised. She even renminds me, by the way, of our foolish lost cousin, who always wanted to become a witch. Go grab her, Clarke. We'll take her with us to the dungeon.

It'll be labourisous enough to drag Sir William of Wondon home, but she will be fun to play with at the dungeon, sais Clarke Bellerby, as he unmounts, and approches Witchy Vicky to grab her.

Witchy Vicky let Clarke Bellerby close in on her, but when he tries to grab her, she evates him and kicked him by his balls so hard, that he is vomiting. Then, Whichy Vicky goes to the horse of Clarke Bellerby horse, and use a separtion spell to separate of the chain the net of Sir William of Wondon from the horse, while she warns Derik Bellerby, she's prepared to use a spell on his balls, too.

Witchy Vicky attaches the net with Sir William of Wondon to her broom and flies away.

Whichy Vicky finds it very defficult to controle her broom, with Sir William of Wondon, hog tied, dangeling under her broom, so she uses the separtion spell once again to drop him at her pound. By Accident Sir William of Wondon falls in to the watering hole outside the cottage.

Before Sir William of Wondon drowns, Witchy Vicky pulls him out of the pool, and follows the baffled Sir William in to the fireplace at the cottage, which she ignites with a flaring spell.

Witchy Vicky takes the still baffled Sir William of Wondon's clothes off him to hang it op for dreying, and rubs him in some Scratch Balsam, she had found at the attic.

At dusk, Sir William of Wondon feels less pain, but still baffled, and Witchy Vicky takes him to bed at warm him. Later he's beginig fornicating with the witch.

Next morning Sir William of Wondon wakes up, he feels more unrambed from a good night's sleep, and while Witchy Vicky is cooking them breakfast, he look around, to see whare he is. To his surprise, he find him self at the cottage, where his mother, Lady Rebecca of Wondon, was killed.

So the cottage belongs to you, Witchy Vicky wondered. I hate to be an intruder, and I plan to stay here for a while.

Sir William of Wondon thank her for her care last night, and tells her dodgily, that as the lord of Wondon, the law in Wondon obligetes him to chase every witch in Wondon, to kill her by drowning her in the well of the castle.

Witchy Vicky hugs and kisses Sir William of Wondon, and sais, she would love him to persue her, later, but right now, she will fly him back to his horse and sword, becase they are long a distant away, if his on feet.

Whichy Vicky immediately finds the horse of Sir William of Wondon, and after some searching she returns with his sword too, before she flies off again, with the words, I'll be waiting for you at the cottage.

At dusk, after three days later, Sir William of Wondon returns bruised up at The Old Witch, again.

As usual Miranda Calzone gets Micheal Warren to book an accommodation for him, and Micheal Warren asks shocked what has happened to Sir William of Wondon at the witch hunt?

Sir William of Wondon tells, he ran in to some villiants from Grossbourgh, who he'd a fight with. This way, he didn't had to mention, that it infact was the witch, who scared the villiants away.

Next day, Sir William of Wondon rides home to the castle, and at noon he sees Lady Stefani at her appartment, while Philip Arden is sleeping after his night guard.

Sir William of Wondon repiets to his storry to Lady Stefani, that he was attacked by villiants from Grossbourgh Shire, and he scared them away, so he doesn't had to mention, he spend the night at the witch.

Early Spring Philip Arden suggest to Sir William of Wondon, they go searching for the witch at Wondon Town.

Sir William of Wondon will love to fornicate with with Witchy Vicky again, but he also knows, she isn't at the town at all, and he has the obligation to kill and witch at Wondon, hench he thinks, it wold be safe to go for Wondon Town to search for her, without a chance to bump in to her, so he agrees.

Henche, Sir William of Wondon informs his sister, Lady Stefani, that he's taken Philip Arden witch hunting at the town, and plans to be back tomorrow.

In the afternoon, Sir William of Wondon books an accommodation for Philip Arden and himself, at The Old Witch, and explains to Micheal Warren, he plans to go witch hunting again the next day.

At Supper, Sir William of Wondon cuddles the buttocks of Miranda Calzone again, and Miranda Calzone gets furious at him.

Sir William of Wondon and Philip Arden go to ther accommodation to be frish for the hunting which stars early tomorrow.

In the midte of the night, Sir William of Wondon is awoken by a cry from the accommodation of Philip Arden, and he meets Micheal Warren at the ally, and they rush in to the accommodation of Philip Arden.

Sir William of Wondon and Micheal Warren are seeing a witch flying out of the window, while Miranda Calzone is riding at Philip Arden, when they're entering the accommodation of Philip Arden. Micheal Warren annonces, he's going to get the sheriff, Boris Smith, immediately.

Next morning Philip Arden and Miranda Calzone are sitting fully dressed and tied together, while Boris Smith is guarding them, and Sir William of Wondon is eating the brakfast, Ricky Warren has served him.

Sir William of Wondon is a bit uneasy by the situation. His brother on law, Philip Arden undeniably has been caught cheating his sister, Lady Stefani, and Witchy Vicky, who he's obligeted to do in, has quit obviously been seen by nomberous peoples, and though he better like to fornicate with her, before he's doing her in, he has to do some thing.

Sir William of Wondon desides to ask Boris Smith to take Philip Arden and Miranda Calzone before Lady Stefani, to let her deside their fait, and go witch hunting himself, and hope his can tame the witch before he's doing her in.

Sir William of Wondon rides off to go witch hunting, and this time, he knows which way to go to search for herl, and he walk in to the forest to search for Witchy Vicky, who he like to fornicate with.

In the afternoon, Sir William of Wondon passes through the camp of the Loggers and he gets bad consancy, and has a talk with Melanie Noneman.

Sir William of Wondon proudly sais, he's on witch hunting again, and he make Melanie Noneman promise to go to the castle, and ask, if there is anyting, she can help Lady Stefani of Wondon with, because she's probably angry at him. And she promises to go tomorrow.

Dawn Noneman offers Sir William of Wondon to stay to rest at the camp tonight, but he clames, it's best to catch witchees at the dark, and hope, it's true in this case.

At dusk, Sir William of Wondon contiues his hunt for the witch in to the forest.

It's becomes night, when Sir William of Wondon finally arrives to at Witchy Vicky, who kiss him, before they are bumping the uglies all night.

Next morning, while getting breakfast, Sir William of Wondon complains, Witchy Vicky had made quite a spectacle at The Old Witch, and he either have to tame her, or do her in.

Witchy Vicky does not listen, what he's saying, and tells, she had seen a nasus imanus on the other side of the river, and asks Sir William of Wondon, if he will catch it for her?

Sir William of Wondon doesn't know, what a nasus imanus is, but he has heard about a monster, which has pesturing the souther road at his shire, and he regcon,this is it, she talks about. He expects, he might get more credit, if he catch it, before he does the witch in.

Unless you likes to get wet feets, I fly you across the river on my broom, and they crosses the river on broom of Witchy Vicky.

On the oter side of the river, Witchy Vicky sais, that the nasus imanus is very agressive, and it usally comes when I is picking flowers, at this side of the river.

Sir William of Wondon is drawing his sword, and while Witchy Vicky is picking flowers, he's suddendly is knocjed unconsirous by the nasus imanus.

Three days later, Sir William of Wondon wakes up in the bed of Witchy Vicky

I told you, the nasus imanus is very aggressive, but I've recovered yuor sword and I has patched you up, so you can try again an other day.

Tthough sir William of Wondon is still feeling wounded, crushed, battered and baffled after his meeting with the nasus imanus Witchy Vicky mange to make him love with her, in the night.

Next morning, Witchy Vicky wants him to go hunting for the nasus imanus again, but he declienes, and wants to go home the his castle, but he promises Witchy Vicky to return.

Sir William of Wondon follows the river up to the cemetary, where he makes rest at the memorial of his parents. He's thinking, it must be possible to tame the witch, and keep her as his lover. Though, the law sais, he must drown Witchy Vicky in the well at the castle, Sir Thomas of Wondon will understand, he's following his desire to make love to Witchy Vicky, he hopes.

It is night, when Sir William of Wondon reaches the castle gate, where Christina Meligan is shoked by his wounds and bruises, and the tells her, he had caught the witch, but he got away again.

Next day, Lady Stefani of Wondon is entering The Resption Hall to her brother Sir William, and gets very upset, to see the wounds and bruises, he got.

Sir William of Wondon does not want to tell he has been fornicating with the whitch, so he tells has been banging the witch, so he tells, he had caught the witch, but she got away from him again. Then, later, he had done battles with the monster, which has terrorised the road to Bellings Shire.

Lady Stefani informs her brother, Sir William of Wondon, she thinks the witch had casted a spell on Philip Arden, who made him fornicating with Miranda Calzone. First she puts Miranda Calzone in the dungeon, but then she tranfered her to The Old Witch, to get her as long way from Philip Arden, as possible, to avoid the witch to cast an other spell at Philip Arden.

Sir William of Wondon does not beleav, the lovely Witchy Vicky would cast a spell like that, and asumes, that it has some thing to do with Philip Arden and Miranda Calzone actually was lovers before, Lady Stefani of Wondon put a squeeze on Sir William, and forced Philip Arden to marry her.

Spring Equinox Sir William of Wondon is longing to fornicate with Witchy Vicky again, and he tells his sister Lady Stefani, his planing to go witch hunting again.

Lady Stefani of Wondon remembers, how wounded and bruised he was after his last encounters with the witch.

Lady Stefani likes her brother to take somebody with him, on the other side, she doesn't like to leave Philip Arden out of sight, as long as the witch is loose at Wondon shire.

Sir William of Wondon wants to hide, he's intending to fornicate Witchy Vicky, so he suggest, that Nicolas Meligan and himself are to go to the Town, while Philip Arden and Christina Meligan are sharing the gaurd of the gate to the castle. Then he can go witch hunt from there.

Lady Stefani of Wondon accepts his proposal.

Next morning, Sir William of Wondon and his captain Nicolas Meligan are leaving Wondon Castle, while Philip Arden is guarding the gate, to begin their journey to the town.

At noon they gets to The Old Witch, where the are booking an accommodation at Julie Warren, who then goes upstairs with Joy Warren, and gets replace by Ricky Warren.

In the afternoon, Keith Valdor and Arcy Jacops are entering The Old Witch, and his cousin immediately begins flirting with Arcy Jacops, who is impress by the fact, he's the captain of Wondon.

Keith Valdor gets very jaloux at his cousin, but he knows he can provide contraceptive potion, and Arcy Jacops is very font of making love sith him. Keith Valdor takes the chance, and leaves Nicolas Meligan and Arcy Jacops, to get a bottle of contraceptive potion, at his sister, Emma Valdor.

At Supper, Micheal Warren replaces Ricky Warren, and Sir William of Wondon orders Supper, while Keith Valdor is returning.

Nicolas Meligan is still cuddling Arcy Jacops, while Miranda Calzone is serving supper under supervition of Micheal Warren.

To show off his position as the lord, Sir William of Wondon fondles the buttocks of Miranda Calzone, while she's serving supper, and Miranda smacks him.

During the fuss, Keith Valdor orders an accommodation for himself and Arcy Jacops at Micheal Warren, and Arcy Jacops becomes surprised.

After supper, Keith Valdor has the full attention of Arcy Jacops.

At night, Nicolas Meligan, Sir William of Wondon, Keith Valdor and Arcy Jacops goes to their accommodations.

After they get to their accommodation, Kieth Valdor gives Arcy Jacops at bottle of contraceptive potion, and he is bumping the uglies with Arcy Jacops as loudly as he can, making sure his cousin, Nicolas Meligan knows what he is doing.

Julie Warren is serving breakfast for Sir William of Wondon, Nicolas Meligan and his cousin Keith Valdor with Arcy Jacops, when Alicia Jacobs arrives looking for her daughter, Arcy, who didn't came home last night.

Julie Warren informs Alicia Jacobs, her daughter, had been sleeping here.

Alicia Jacobs gets a fit at her daughter, meanwhile Sir William of Wondon orders his captain, Nicolas Meligan, to clean up the mess, and goes witch hunting..

At dusk, Witchy Vicky recieves Sir William of Wondon kissing him, and after they has dined, the are making love all night.

While Sir William of Wondon are jumping her bones, Witchy Vicky takes a tuft of hair from him.

At the breakfast, Witchy Vicky tells Sir William of Wondon, the wild thyme and violets are popping at the brink across the river, and asks him to get some for her. And if you come across the nasus imanus, then catch it for me, she adds.

Sir William of Wondon climps across a flimsy trunk, Witchy Vicky has placed across the river and ballances across the river, while Witchy Vicky heat up her pot.

Sir William of Wondon is picking thyme and violets until the nasus imanus apeares, and starts hunting him.

Sir William of Wondon ascapes the nasus imanus across the river with some wounds and bruises via the trunk, Vicky has placed there.

Witchy Vicky take the thyme and violets, finish her brew, and begins serving tea, for Sir William of Wondon, while she takes care of his wounds and bruises.

When Sir William of Wondon has finished the dinner, Witchy Vicky had cooked, he fancies making love with har again, but when he touches her bum, he gets turned in to a toad.

Witchy Vicky is gigglingly reversing the spell, and turn him in to his old self, leaving a scar at him.

Gently she's explains, that he'll be turned in to a toad, when he just of thinking fondle the buttocks of an other woman, while he wants to make love with her.

Sir William of Wondon agrees to the terms of Witchy Vicky, and he's fornicating her the rest of the night.

Next morning, it came to his mind, he was comming here to tame or kill her Witchy Vicky, so he will give it an other try, and asks her, to show him the attic.

Witchy Vicky joyfully shows him the attic, where she had found every thing a witch needs: old bottles of potions, jars of balsams and some old scrolls.

Sir William of Wondon wants her to promise, she can stay at the cottage as his lover as long as she doesn't leave the cottage with out his permission.

Witchy Vicky plainly refurse his terms, and it comes to a huge discussion.

During the rage with Witchy Vicky, Sir William of Wondon pinches an old scroll from the attick since the cotage is his, and probably the scroll is his anyray.

At dawn, sir William of Wondon is leaving the cottage, and tells Witchy Vicky, he'll be back to kill her, and he rides along the river,to the castle.

It's became night, when Sir William of Wondon bruised and scared returns to the castle gete, where Christina Meligan let him in.

Next day, at The Resption Hall, Sir William of Wondon tells his sister, Lady Stefani of Wondon, he did caught the witch, but he had shown mercy at her, and told her, that she will be killed, if he sees her again at Wondon Shire, and she wont be seen anymore.

Lady Stefani of Wondon is proud of her brave brother, but she doesn't has mush confidence in he's autority.

Late Spring Annoyed Sir William of Wondon studes the scroll, he had found at the attic in the cottage of the witch, and it appeares to be a scroll left by the Wondon Witch, and found out, she had hidden something, at the Temple of the Dead. Sir William of Wondon doesn't know, what The Temple of the dead is?

Early Summer Since Sir William of Wondon doesn't know, what was hidden, he start search the Temple Ruin, but he doesn't finds anyting usefull, but he finds the entering to a dragon's lair, he can kill, if he can get the lair open.

Sir William of Wondon gets the idea, The Temple Of the Dead, might be the cemetery, and he begins search there for something, he doesn't know what is.

Witchy Vicky finds Sir William of Wondon at the cemetery, searching for something amoung the old bones at the cermontory, and gets curious.

Sir William of Wondon gets annoyed, because he doesn't feel, he got the time nor to hunt, nor to kill her, now.

At The Temple Ruin, Witchy Vicky offers, to open the dragon's lair for Sir William of Wondon, and he's accepting.

Sir William of Wondon thinks, he can kill the wicked Witch, when she has opened the lair.

Witchy Vicky turns Sir William of Wondon in to a wyvent, and rids on him, to scare the dagon away, and the dragon flies over Templeton lake.

At the dragon's lair, Sir William of Wondon finds the cursed knight, protecting a bottle with a ginie.

Witchy Vicky decapitates The Cursed Knight, and encurages Sir William of Wondon to drink form the bottle with the ginie, hench he gets possessed by the ginie, Shawna The Deamon, who immediately attacks Witchy Vicky to kill her.

Witchy Vicky gets Shawna The Deamon back in to the bottle.

At the cemetery, the bewildred Sir William of Wondon thanks Witchy Vicky for exspell Shawna from his body, to put her in the bottle, He promises her, she can live at the cottage, and he won't kill her, but hepoint out, he doesn't want to marry her, while he cuddles Witchy Vicky.

Witchy Vicky doesn't wants to die, and Sir William of Wondon thinks. it is time to show some chivalry, and offers to marry Witchy Vicky, and to be her protector. This way, he can keep the wicked witch trapped.

The Grim Reaper gives Sir William of Wondon a chance, and sends him on a quest, to retreave the hourglass of Vicky, and accordanly become her protecteor, within a year, but if he fail to become her protector with in a year, they both will die.

At the Cemetery of Wondon, The Grim Reaper marries Sir William of Wondon to Witchy Vicky, but he forgets to marry Witchy Vicky to Sir William of Wondon. He promises, though, Sir William of Wondon, however, an eternal life, if he does succeeding, to bring The Grim Reaper, the hourglass of Witchy Vicky.

When The Grim Reaper has left them, Witchy Vicky looks sad at her broom, and complains, her broom has brocken during the fight with Shawna The Deamon, and she needs to go home to the cottage, and begin to go.

Sir William of Wondon grabs Witchy Vicky and wants to know, where he can find her hourglass? His life depends on it, he insists.

Witchy Vicky doesn't know, she answers. She tried to grab it during her initation, but it got away. Perhabs, Wizard Faymound, who initiated her, knows, but he doesn't need to know, before next sommer, Vicky points out to him.

Shaking annoyingly Witchy Vicky, Sir William of Wondon insists, they go to this Wizard right away.

But Wizard Faymound is at Faymound's Brige, and it's a long way from here, so The Grim Reaper shouldn't find her, Witchy Vicky objects.

Sir William of Wondon annoyed mounts the scared Witchy Vicky on his horse in front of him, and he comments, they can get horses on his castle, before he rids off to the castle.

At the break of dawn, before the sun has risen, Sir William of Wondon arrives at the gate of the castle, with Witchy Vicky in front of his horse, where Philip Arden keeps guard.

Sir William of Wondon greets Philip Arden, and brags, he had finally caught the wicked witch, and he has her here in front of his horse, poiting provely at Vicky.

Philip Arden asks, if Sir William of Wondon, if he is going to drown the wicked witch in the well of the castle right away, but Sir William of Wondon replies evading, that he had tamed the witch, and she daren't do anything, now. He's going to temporarily place her in the coutyard. to deal with her later. He's busy right now, and want to wake up Natan Meligan, to prepare his carriage for him. Sir William of Wondon will ride off as soon as posibly, with the witch.

Sir William of Wondon puts down the angry Witchy Vicky down in the coutyard, and asks her to wait for her here, while he go get the carriage from the stable.

Witchy Vicky wants to complain, but Sir William of Wondon is abruting her, and tells her to shut up, and wait for him, here.

At the stable of the castle, Sir William of Wondon wakes up Captaian Nicolas Meligan, and his father, Natan, to brags about, that he has cought the wicked witch, and he has her right now, scared in the coutyard, and do not dares to move. He likes them to prepare his carriage, to bring her to somewhare safe for Wondon Shire.

While Natan Meligan brings the carriage in order, Captaian Nicolas wants to see the wicked witch, and Sir William of Wondon follows Captaian Nicolas put to and empty coutyard, and Captaian Nicolas asks, where the wicked witch is?

Sir William of Wondon searched the empty coutyard and panics. He asks his captain to wake up his sister, Lady Stefani Arden — the wicked witch must be found again as soon as posibly.

Sir William of Wondon rushes to the gate, which he find open and his villaind of a brother in law, is nowhere to be found. Sir William of Wondon quicky closes the gate, so Witchy Vicky don't escapes again, and runs back in to the coutyard to find Witchy Vicky.

At the coutyard, Sir William of Wondon meets his armed sister, Lady Stefani Arden, and Sir Willia tells her, he had tamed the wicked witch, and brought her in to the castle, but she has escaped again, and the husband of Lady Stefani, Philip Arden has disapeared, too. Sir William of Wondon had closed the gate, so the wicked witch doesn't gets away again.

Lady Stefani Arden tells her brother, Sir William of Wondon Captaian Nicolas Meligan had alarmed Sir John Fern and Lady Diane of Guttric to warning them, the wicked Witch us loose at the castle, and begins searching for her husband Philip Arden.

Lady Stefani Arden and her brother begins searching the coutyard, for her husband, Philip, and she finds him examine closely the lap of Witchy Vicky in the haystack behind the shed in the coutyard, and with a rageingly screem, she begins thaceing him around at the coutyard with her Whip.

While putting on her boot again, Witchy Vicky innocentlly explains, she wants just to telling his nice guard about, the adventures they were on last night, when Sir John Fern of Guttric suddendly jumps down, and puts her in a bag.

While Sir John Fern of Guttric laces the bag, and Witchy Vicky is kicking, while she's shouting, he asks, if he's going to drown the wicked witch in the well right away.

Trying to remain calm, Sir Willia of Wondon orders Sir John Fern of Guttric to load the wicked witch on to his carriage, Natan Meligan is arriving with, and sais he is going to drive the witch away, immediately.

While Sir William of Wondon is driving out of the castle gate, with Witchy Vicky angryly is kicking and shouting in her bag, he shouts, Lady Stefani Arden is in charge of the castle, while he's away.

While Lady Stefani Arden is closing the gate behind Sir William of Wondon, Witchy Vicky shouts from her bag on the carriage, it's no way to treat you wife!.

Sir William of Wondon contiues out west of the castle, and passes the Cemetery, while Witchy Vicky is throwing curses at him, laying in a bag behind in his carriage.

At noon, Witchy Vicky at last gets quite, and starts quitely snoring in her bag behind the carriage, and he contiues to ride west.

In the afternoon, Sir William of Wondon is so exhausted, and he has to get some sleep, so he makes a rest beside the road, at a plateau under the ruin of The Temple Of the Dragon and Templeton Lake, to let Witchy Vicky out of the bag to get direction to Faymound's Brige from Witchy Vicky.

Furiously Witchy Vicky gets out of her bag, and begins immediately to curse Sir William of Wondon, and is trying to turn him in to a toad.

After having cast Spells at Sir William of Wondon, Witchy Vicky realizes, she is, too, to tired to turn him in to a toad, and he asks for dirction to Faymound's Brige.

Witchy Vicky isn't sure of the dirction traveling on a carriage, but they needs to keep on going west.

Sir William of Wondon unharness the horse, and suggests, they rest for the night here in the rough, to contiue to Templeton early in the morning.

At dawn, Sir William of Wondon harnesses the horse, and tell Witchy Vicky, he likes to leave Wondon Shire ingongito, because he's afrait of an attack from Malbrough Shire, when he's away from Wondon Shire.

OK, Witchy Vicky replies, but she lost her hat, when she flied from The Grim Reaper, she explains, that's why The Grim Reaper could find her. She needs a new hat to hid under, she explains.

Then, go to buy a new hat, at the tailor shop, while he wait at The Lamp, Sir William of Wondon replies annoyed.

In the morning, at Templeton Sir William of Wondon goes in to the Lamp, where he orders a bottle of Steinmetz' from Casper Locker, which he begins drinking, while Witchy Vicky is shoping at the tailor.

Witchy Vicky comes busting in to The Lamp, and is dragging Sir William of Wondon out to his carriage, ordering him to rid away.

Jerry, Oscar and Kirk Wharton are persuing the carriage of Sir William of Wondon, but they recognize the carriage, and return to Templeton, in the thourght, his pursuing the villain.

When the Wharton's brothers had given up their pursue, Sir William of Wondon asks Witchy Vicky, What' happened in Templeton?

Nothing, Witchy Vicky, replies Sir William of Wondon, I just asked, the bill for the hat, to be send to The Lady of Wondon because, her moneys is at the cottage, when hell brock loose. I just tends to irritate people.

But, it is usually my annoying sister, Lady Stefani Arden, who is The Lady of Wondon. They thought, you tried to steal the hat, Sir William of Wondon tired points out.

But you said, that you wanted to leave Wondon Shire ingongito, so I didn't wanted to say, I'm Witchy Vicky, and since I got married to you the previous night, and nobody knew it, yet, so I called myself, The Lady of Wondon, who I am, Vicky defends herself.

First my sister marries a rober, and now I flies as a rober, Sir William of Wondon moars.

Witchy Vicky adjust her hat and asks Sir William of Wondon, if he likes her new hat, and is changing the subject?

In the afternoon, the fields stops, and the road contiue in to the forest, but Witchy Vicky can see, that the road still is following the river between the trees, and Sir William of Wondon asks, if they are still to follow the road, to get to Faymound's Brige?

Witchy Vicky doesn't really knows, she had never traveled this way with by carriage, but it's fare west on, to be flying on a broom, she apathetic replies.

Looking around, Witchy Vicky remarks, there are not must many people around, here?

It's North Bellings Shire, Sir William replies. There is not many people living on this side of the river. They lives on the other side of the river in Whyne Shire. There is actually not any towns between Templeton and Wharton, so if they are to keep going West, they has to sleep rough tonight, in the forest of Northern Bellinngs Shire.

In the evening, Sir William of Wondon unharnessed his horse to camp at The Northern Forest, and he discovers, Witchy Vicky is very scared of the horse, and wants to sleep close with him.

Sir William of Wondon gets his confidence boosted by the discovery, Witchy Vicky is scared of other than The Grim Reaper, and she's seaking comford from the horse, at him, during the night, and he takes pleasurs in making love with her for the first time, sinces Spring Equinox.

Midsummmer Next morning, Sir William of Wondon is evaluating their situation, and Sir William Wondon didm't had time, to tell Natan Meligan, forhow long a travel, he should make the carriage ready for, so he needs to get a strait answer from Witchy Vicky, where they find Faymound's Bridge, so he tries again.

Witchy Vicky thoughtfully answers, she flied for some days, when she escaped Faymound Shire, to escape The Grim Reaper.

After having cheched their supplies, Sir William of Wondon suggest, they gets supplies at Wharton, but they have to chance name, and he suggest they are call themself, Mr. and Mrs. Fox after Vicky's family name, and Witchy Vicky agrees silently.

In the evening, Sir William of Wondon books an accommodation for William and Victoria Valerie Fox at The Merry Fish, at Wharton.

Sean Webman orders his son Roy, to take care of the horse at the stable.

Next morning, after Bettina Webman has serving breakfast for William and Victoria Valerie Fox, they're going to the grocery, to buy supplies for their journey to Faymound's Bridge.

While Victoria Valerie Fox is entertaining Carrie Turner with the production of potions, William Fox is ordering the supplies at Charly Turner, who orders his son, Marty, to pack the things at the carriage of William Fox. While Marty Turner and Rex Webman is loading the supplies on to the carriage, Rex is telling William Fox, they needs to go around Sharton Lake, to contiue west.

In the evening, Sean Webman is serving supper for William and Victoria Valerie Fox, before they are resigning to their room.

At the accomodation, Witchy Vicky is still having concerns about the horse is at the stable of The Merry Fish, and seakes comfort at Sir William of Wondon, who jmerrily makes love with her, to comford her.

Next morning, Bettina Webman is serving breakfast for William and Victoria Valerie Fox again, before they are riding around Whare Loch.

In the afternoon, William and Victoria Fox is crossing the Shawna River in to Whyne Shire, to contiue to Wharum on the other side of Whare Loch.

They are crossing Wharum Point across Shawna River, before William and Victoria Fox are booking in at the Red Fish at Wharum.

In the evening, Sir William of Wondon is booking an accommodation for William and Victoria Fox, and Freddy Paris is serving supper, and a bottle of Steinmetz's, while Edwin Paris is eating supper with his girlfriend, Carrie Thaw, who are kissing and cuddling a lot, after Edwin had caken care of the horse.

At night, at their accommodation, Witchy Vicky os still afaid of the horse, and seaks confort at Sir William of Wondon, who Merrily bumps the uglies with her, to comfort her.

Next morning, Pippa Paris is serving breakfast to William and Victoria Fox, while Edwin Paris and Carrie Thaw are still passionately cuddling with each other.

When Edwin Paris has unharnessed the horse from the carriage, he resumes kissing with Carrie Thaw, while William and Victoria Fox are contiue westward along Shawna River.

Witchy Vicky gets used to the horse running in front of the carriage, and gets more courage.

While following the Shawna River in the south Whyne Shire, Witchy Vicky begins getting bored, and starts to puzzling, if she can make a spell, which will make the horse and the carriage fly to Faymound's Bridge over the mountains, but Sir William is satified with the speed, and he doesn't wants the carriage to be flying

After riding along the brinks of Shawna River at South Whyne Shire, Sir William if Wondon and Witchy Vicky are crossing Shawna River again when it turns Northward, on the way to the high mountains, and they turns south along the high mountains.

At Prybanks, they are crossing Prybanks Point across a branch of Shawna River, comming from the mountains, to enter the plans of Turian Shire.

Sir William of Wondon is booking an accommodation at The Merry Harpy, for William and Victoria Fox at Simon Williams

At their accommodation, Witchy Vicky had seen a picture of an harpy on the sign of the inn, and wonders, if and harpy can be pulling the carriage, and then, it might be possible, she can invent a spell, to get the carriage fly over the high mountains, to Faymound's Bridge pulled by a harpy.

In the end, Sir William of Wondon satisfies Witchy Vicky, to get her to shut up, while his banging with her.

Next morning Gina Williams is serving breakfast for William and Victoria Fox, and asks William, if he's in family with of Sir Thomas of Wondon?

Sir William of Wondon has to admit, Sir Thomas of Wondon is his father.

The niece and daughter in law of Gina Williams, Louise Williams, who is listen to the conversation, while taking care of her son, Frank, asks curiously, why Sir William of Wondon is together with Witchy Vicky, and pretents they are married, when witchcafting is illigal in Wondon?

Sir William of Wondon gets pale. and has to admit, Witchy Vicky is his wife in secreat, while Vicky tries to help him by threating to turn Louise Williams in to a toad, if she tells to anybody.

Sir William of Wondon has to calm Witchy Vicky, but he emplify to Louise Williams, it's a secreat, that he has married Vicky, while Louise Williams is comforting Frank.

When Sir William of Wondon had calmed Witchy Vicky, and Robert Williams had taken Frank form the arms of Louise, she explains, everybody know the legendarly and eagerly hunts for harpies of Vicky in Turian Shire.

Witchy Vicky likes to be flattered, when Louise Williams explains, the harpies live on the peak in the mountains, there, and they are terrorising Turian Shire, but Vicky had eagerly been hurting them, on her broom.

Witchy Vicky snugs Sir William of Wondon, and looks seducingly at him, and asks him to to catch a harpy for her. She had never succed in capture one, and she really likes , to have a harpy as har pet, Vicky alluringly explains.

Sir William of Wondon, with fear, recalls, how Witchy Vicky allured him to try catching a nasus imanus for her, in Wondon Shire, and replies, he knows there is a nerrow gorge across of the mountains, and they are going to ride through the gorge, on their way to Faymound's Bridge.

Louise Williams explains, the road had been destroyed by the flood, and it has never been rebuild again, but they can still use the old road to Lagach Gate though the plains of Turian Shire, but they needs to be causious this time of the year because the harpies are flying at the sky over the plains of Turian Shire.

Witchy Vicky points, she's not afraid of the harpies, and Louise Williams replies, she knows, but Vicky ougt to be afraid of them.

Witchy Vicky is changed then, they had entered the plains of Turian Shire and is exspectenly souting the sky for harpies, while she's causiously watering the horse in front of the carriage.

As Louise Williams had told, the road over the plain of Turian is destroyed, and it becomes defficult to ride on the road, and there isn't much to hide behind from the harpies, flying in the sky.

In the evening, Sir William of Wondon realices, they has to rest rough tonight under the open Sky, with nothing to protect them from the harpies, but Witchy Vicky sees no objections to the arrangement, because the harpies don't fly in the night, she sorrowfully sais.

At night, Witchy Vicky gets bored, and wants Sir William of Wondon to make love with her. Worried about the harpies, Sir William of Wondon starts as quitely as he can, to bang Witchy Vicky, while she loudly enjoyingly is moaning of the joy.

Next morning, to the joy of Witchy Vicky, there is more harpies in the shy, and Sir William of Wondon hurries on along the road to the ruin of the Gorge Castle.

At the carriage, Witchy Vicky starts wondering, while causiously watching the horse, and scouting for harpies, why Sir William was recognized at Prybanks?

My grandmother was Lady Marisa of Turain, and the cousin of my father Sir Peter of Turain was once lord of Turain until he drowned in the flood in 514, but I didn't expected, to be recognized — I doesn't have any connection to Turain Shire now a days, Sir William of Wondon replies.

I didn't know, Witchy Vicky replies. She first came to Faymound's Bridge in 520, and found the harpies on a peak in the mountains, when she was roaming around on her broom, and immediately fell in love with them, though they are very protective.

In the evening, Sir William of Wondon and Witchy Vicky arrive at the ruins of The Gorge Castle, where the western side at crashed down in the gorge, and a temperary Bridge has been build across the gorge.

Sir William of Wondon is watching the ruins of the castle of her grandmother, while Witchy Vicky is cuddling him, before she wants to make love with him.


Midsummmer Sir William of Wondon cuddles the buttock of Miranda Calzone, and turns in to a toad.

Witchy Vicky carmely reversing the spell, and sais, she did warned Sir William, she'd cast a spell on him to turning in to a toad, every time he is stroking the buttock of Miranda.